Do you live or work in Fitzrovia West (ie west of Charlotte Street) and care about safeguarding our unique environment?

What is FitzWest?

On 6th February 2015, FitzWest was designated a Neighbourhood Forum by Westminster City Council and already over 200 local people and businesses have joined. The Forum will make a Plan for the neighbourhood, targeting housing, planning, pollution – and much more. Now we need your involvement too!

Why should I get involved?

The diversity of people and activities in this area is in danger of irrevocable change. If you want to help keep the small shops and businesses, plus the mix of housing that ordinary people can afford – please sign up to be a member of the Forum. If you want Westminster City Council to make improvements to our streets and green-spaces – get involved in shaping local policy now – join the Forum, its free and easy to get involved. Look through this website, join a topic group and have your say. Or just email your thoughts to Make sure you have a voice.

Will the Neighbourhood Plan have teeth?

The Neighbourhood Plan will put community priorities at the heart of town planning decisions, ensuring that developments in this area contribute to change that is locally agreed and positive. The Neighbourhood Plan will help to shape Council investment in things that local people have told us they’d like to see, such as, street improvements, street safety, management of rubbish and the building of new gardens and playgrounds. But we need your views and your support.

Priority topics for the Neighbourhood Plan will include:

  • Liveable Neighbourhood
  • Nurture Young and Independent Businesses
  • Urban Realm
  • Environment

“Our mission is to ensure that Fitzrovia develops as a habitable, sustainable and neighbourly community through all means available including planning, collaborative working and community enterprise.”

 Join us Now!

Let’s keep our neighbourhood special. By working with, and having an influence on, the Council and developers, FitzWest can ensure that any change is beneficial and that we continue to enjoy the best place to live, work, or visit in central London.

Join here.

email us here.