Nick Bailey

Nick Bailey


I have been a member of the executive committee since designation as I have worked for the University of Westminster for many years in the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. The University has been established in the area for over a century and plays an important role in the life of the local community. The Vice-Chancellor has asked me to represent the University on the Forum. I have also lived in Goodge Street for 30 years and continue to be an active member of local organizations such as the Fitzrovia Trust.

I am strongly in favor of the Forum as the legitimate and representative voice of local residents and businesses. I can bring enthusiasm, a good knowledge of housing, planning, and transport, all of which will assist in the preparation of a neighbourhood plan.

The priorities of the Forum should be to ensure as far as possible that Fitzrovia remains a mixed community providing a safe and affordable place to live and work for all with an environment and facilities to meet all needs.

Yoram Blumann

Yoram Blumann


Fitzrovia is undergoing a major change, due to the property boom and the expected arrival of Crossrail. Those who care about Fitzrovia – those who live and work here – can play a role in this process through the FitzWest Neighbourhood Forum. FitzWest aims to preserve & enhance the special character of the Fitzrovia, working with residents, developers, businesses, and Westminster City Council.

Formally, this would be done by developing a Neighbourhood Plan, and at the same time, the forum should also take active part in the planning process ensuring that the principles guiding the NP are implemented in practice. The Neighbourhood Forum should also be commenting on various policy proposals that might affect Fitzrovia.

 I have been living in Fitzrovia for over 20 years. In the past 15 years, as a volunteer, I was dealing with Westminster’s planning and licensing matters, not just individual applications, but also commenting on Westminster’s, Mayoral and government policy consultations.

Working closely with our colleagues in neighbouring Soho, Marylebone, St James, Covent Gardens; reflecting the special character of the West End, we campaigned successfully for stronger protection for residents, and pressed for better enforcement. I also served as a member of various liaison committees over the years. I have some solid experience in running the finances of a small charitable company.

Why am I standing for elections for the Executive Committee? FitzWest is a new organisation; I believe that I can make valuable contribution thanks to my experience, and my familiarity with the planning process, the councils and their officials, and of course, knowledge of Fitzrovia and the issues we face.

Barbara Corr

Barbara Corr


Dee Corsi

Dee Corsi

New West End Company

Mark Gazaleh

Mark Gazaleh


Gwilym Harbottle

Gwilym Harbottle


I have lived in Fitzwest for over 20 years. I believe it has a unique character and atmosphere which results from a combination of architecture on a human scale, a good proportion of high quality independent shops and businesses, a relatively broad and diverse social mix and a very friendly atmosphere. I believe that character is under threat.

I am a barrister. I now work mainly in Intellectual Property but trained in planning and local government law and used to work in property law. Over the years I have gained a good deal of experience in running small organisations and believe I can contribute legal and organisational skills.

I think the main priority of the Forum should be to develop the Fitzwest area in such a way as to maintain its character. That does not mean preserving it in aspic but does mean so far as possible providing an environment where future development occurs on a human scale, good independent businesses can continue to flourish and social diversity is maintained.

Julia Haythorn

Julia Haythorn


I have lived in Fitzrovia since 2013 and enjoy its unique feel and ambience that come from the eclectic architecture and the variety of businesses, restaurants and shops. It also has a real neighbourhood feel with friendly and interesting people from all walks of life. I am keen to help preserve and develop Fitzrovia by ensuring the neighbourhood plan works for both businesses and residents.

I am also very concerned about pollution, rubbish collection and greening as it seems to me that we have a beautiful neighbourhood that needs to be looked after both for us and for future generations.

Ian Johnstone

Ian Johnstone


I have lived in Fitzrovia since relocating from Marylebone in 2013.

As a resident who is passionate about our beautiful and unique neighbourhood, I am keen to help shape the future development of Fitzrovia, focusing on environmental developments (greening), new initiatives for cutting pollution, and maintaining the healthy balance between residential and commercial coexistence.

I have worked as an industrial designer for over 22 years, developing consumer focused household products, and can bring organisational and creative skills to help the Forum achieve its goals.

Denise Julien

Denise Julien


Lee Lyons

Lee Lyons

Fitzrovia Partnership

Esmeralda Ypsilanti

Esmeralda Ypsilanti


I’ve lived in Fitzrovia since 2019. I first moved here when studying at UCL and fell in love with the quaint streets and many cafes and restaurants. I am now working at a tech company focusing on electric vehicle design. I’ve joined the forum because I care about maintaining the area’s character while continuing to develop it sustainably and keeping the environment clean for the many families and businesses around here.