Invitation to FitzWest Neighbourhood Forum Annual General Meeting




6.00pm         ​​Welcome, report on recent work and invitation to join.

6.15pm         ​​Minutes of last AGM

6.20pm​​         Update on the Neighbourhood Plan. Nick Bailey. Q&A.

6.30pm         Guest speaker. Chris Martin from Urban Movement: Creating a low traffic neighbourhood in Fitzrovia West. Q&A.

7.10pm          Elections to the Executive. Three members of the Executive will be standing down and presenting themselves for re-election: Gwilym Harbottle, Ian Johnstone and Chris Shaw

7.20pm          Presentation of accounts. Yoram Blumann.

7.25pm          AOB and further Q&A.

8.00pm          Ends


Important – please support the re-designation of the Forum – deadline 13th January 2020

Please allow the Forum to continue to work towards developing the Neighbourhood Plan and support the re-designation before the 13 January 2020 deadline – the current designation expires on 05 February 2020.

We would ask you all to support the re-designation and to  encourage all local residents and businesses to do so which they can do by sending an email to or in writing to:

Neighbourhood Planning, Policy and ProjectWestminster City Council City Hall,

17th Floor 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP

Here is an extract of the email from the Neighbourhood Planning Team at Westminster Council:

The Fitzrovia West Neighbourhood Forum designation expires on 5 February 2020. The forum has applied to the council to formally renew its designation in accordance with the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 the Localism Act 2011 and the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.

The Fitzrovia West Neighbourhood Forum is required to demonstrate that their written constitution describes the purpose, membership rules and how officers are elected. The legislation states that Forums should have at least 21 members who either live or work in the in the neighbourhood area. No change to the Fitzrovia West Neighbourhood Area boundary is proposed and remains identical to the boundary that was designated in March 2014.

Copies of the application documents can be viewed on the Council’s website at Hard copies will also be made available for inspection during normal opening hours at the Council’s offices at City Hall 64 Victoria Street, SW1E 6QP.

Representations on this application should be received by no later than 5pm on Monday 13 January 2020. They can be made by email to or in writing to:

Neighbourhood Planning, Policy and Projects

Westminster City Council City Hall,

17th Floor 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP

Recent Developments

We had a good response to the questionnaire and exhibition held on 13 May 2019 and the link below summarises all the responses to the questionnaire:

Results from FitzWest Neighbourhood Questionnaire

Other documents relating to the AGM can be viewed here:

We have also carried out a full consultation on the draft Neighbourhood Plan which you can find with supporting documents by following this link to the website:

We now intend to seek a ‘health check’ to ensure we meet all the requirements and will then formally submit the Plan and supporting documents to Westminster City Council.

Please get in touch if you have any further comments at

AGM and Exhibition 13th May 2019

AGM and Exhibition 13th May 2019


The  FitzWest Neighbourhood Forum AGM and exhibition were held on 13th May 2019 at the Sainsbury’s  Wellcome Centre, who kindly provided the venue and refreshments for the evening.

Please click on the links below for more information about the AGM and the presentations.

And remember to fill out the survey if you have not done so already. Click here for survey.


Fill out our survey – have your say on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan for FitzWest


Please take a moment to give us your thoughts and comments on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan. Previous feedback has been used and incorporated and all new comments will be recorded and will contribute towards the final plan.


Click here for the survey

Click here  for the latest version of the  Draft Neighbourhood Plan,


Please come to our Exhibition and AGM on 13 May 2019 at the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, 25 Howland Street:

The Exhibition: from 2.30pm (note the new start time)

We’ll be presenting the latest Draft Neighbourhood Plan,( some of our local greening projects including developments on Riding House Street and proposals for Market Place and suggestions about how to spend local CIL money (for CIL see the link below). 

The Plan will help shape Fitzwest’s built environment and urban realm. This is your last chance to influence the draft before it goes out to formal consultation, so please comment if you can. 

Members of the Executive will be available to answer questions and you will be able to express your views via a questionnaire. If you can’t come please answer the questionnaire (on the website soon). All views expressed will be carefully considered and our responses will be recorded in a consultation document.

The AGM: from 6pm

6.00pm         Welcome. Report on our recent work and invitation to join (you need to be a member to take part in the AGM – if you know anyone who would like to join please feel free to forward this email and draw their attention to “How to join the Forum” below). 

6.15pm          Latest Draft Neighbourhood Plan( Summary of key points and procedure going forward. Q&A. We will be inviting all 6 local ward councillors and relevant Westminster Council officers.

Lucas van der Steen WCC liaison Neighbourhood Planning will be there to answer questions.

6.30pm         Air Quality. Adam Webber from Westminster City Council on how the council is aiming to improve local air quality. Q&A.

7.10pm          Elections to the Executive. The Executive manages the day to day activity of Forum under the direction of you, the members. Any member can stand, so feel free to do so. If you send us a brief bio. in advance of the meeting we’ll circulate it. Three members of the Executive will be standing down and presenting themselves for re-election: Nick Bailey, Sharon Banoff and Barbara Corr. 

7.20                Presentation of accounts.

7.25                AOB and further opportunity for Q&A

7.45                Refreshments


We look forward to seeing you on 13 May.