More greening and less rubbish dumping?

More greening and less rubbish dumping?

We want your ideas

The problem of on-street rubbish dumping and the need for more greenery are frequently mentioned by our members as important issues for all of us living and working in Fitzrovia.

The FitzWest Forum has supported various schemes to improve waste collection and deal with fly tipping. There is still a lot of progress to be made in this area and discussions are on going with Westminster Council on ways to deal with this.

One way to combat dumping is by improving the street scape – and a relatively quick way to do this is by planting and greening. The hope is that this will both deter dumping and also bring some much needed greenery into the area.  We are planning to apply for funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)  which is a levy that local authorities can choose to charge on new developments in their area. The money is used to support development by funding infrastructure that the council, local community and neighbourhoods want.

We are very keen to for our members to suggest where potential planting could take place. With the help of the wider membership last year, we had previously identified various ‘dumping hot spots’ which you can see on the map. We have two questions for you.

  1. Which of these do you think would be best suited for adding planters and greening?
  2. Are there any other places you would suggest? Several sites have been identified in the central area of FitzWest – but what about the North and South?

Please comment on this page or email your ideas to us at We will collect all the suggestions together and select the most popular locations for our application.

Fitzwest Street Dumping Hot Spots


Have Your Say on the FitzWest Neighbourhood Plan

The Forum has submitted revised documentation on the FitzWest Plan and Westminster City Council has arranged a 10-week consultation period from 26 May to 4th August 2020.
We encourage all residents and businesses based in the area to read the Plan and submit their comments to the Council by the closing date.
The Plan’s main objectives are to integrate new development into the heritage of the area, create more affordable housing, support small shops and businesses, improve the environment and particularly air quality, promote greening through tree planting, green roofs and creating healthy streets by encouraging walking and cycling.
The draft Plan and supporting documentation are available on our Neighbourhood Plan page 
For full information on the consultation process click here:
After this consultation stage, an Examiner appointed by the Council will review all the evidence and recommend any further changes to the Plan. A referendum will follow for both residents on the electoral roll and business rate payers.
All Invited……….
We are planning a public meeting and AGM in July to discuss issues of greatest concern in the area. Full details to follow.

Have Your Say on the FitzWest Neighbourhood Plan

The Forum has submitted revised documentation on the FitzWest Plan and Westminster City Council has arranged a 10-week consultation period from 26 May to 4th August 2020.
We encourage all residents and businesses based in the area to read the Plan and submit their comments to the Council by the closing date.
The Plan’s main objectives are to integrate new development into the heritage of the area, create more affordable housing, support small shops and businesses, improve the environment and particularly air quality, promote greening through tree planting, green roofs and creating healthy streets by encouraging walking and cycling.
The draft Plan and supporting documentation are available on our Neighbourhood Plan page 
For full information on the consultation process click here:
After this consultation stage, an Examiner appointed by the Council will review all the evidence and recommend any further changes to the Plan. A referendum will follow for both residents on the electoral roll and business rate payers.
All Invited……….
We are planning a public meeting in July to discuss issues of greatest concern in the area. Full details to follow.

Neighbourhood Plan submitted to WCC/ Riding House Street Consultation/Successful re-designation of the Forum

Neighbourhood Plan submitted

We have now submitted the revised Neighbourhood Plan and other documentation to Westminster City Council.


Riding House Street -Public Realm Improvements – Consultation

Have your say on the consultation on public realm improvements on Riding House Street between its junctions with Nassau Street and Cleveland Street.  FM Conway, service provider to Westminster City Council, has been commissioned to undertake this consultation on behalf of the City Council.

The scheme proposals are set out here in a letter from Westminster Council with a map of the area  and summarised below:

  • Formalised permanent road closure at east end of Riding House Street.
  • Creation of a pedestrian zone with a flush surface throughout paved with two tone concrete paving.
  • Benches and planting to improve public amenity and change the nature of Riding House Street from a road to a functional pedestrian space.
  • Removal of the existing zebra crossing as it is no longer required. An informal pedestrian route between All Souls School sites is highlighted in the proposed paving pattern.
  • Cycle parking facilities.
  • Two-way operation to the east of Nassau Street to maintain access to motorcycle parking and for servicing vehicles.

Westminster Council welcome your views on the proposals.  Any comments on the proposals should be returned no later than the closing date of 10/03/20 to


Redesignation of FitzWest as a Neighbourhood Forum

We are delighted to report that FitzWest was successfully redesignated on 20 February 2020 as a Neighbourhood Forum. Thanks to everyone for  for contacting Westminster Council to support us.

AGM and Exhibition 13th May 2019

AGM and Exhibition 13th May 2019


The  FitzWest Neighbourhood Forum AGM and exhibition were held on 13th May 2019 at the Sainsbury’s  Wellcome Centre, who kindly provided the venue and refreshments for the evening.

Please click on the links below for more information about the AGM and the presentations.

And remember to fill out the survey if you have not done so already. Click here for survey.