Fitzrovia West goes to the polls on 2nd September 2021

Fitzrovia West goes to the polls on 2nd September 2021

Less than a week until referendum day

Please remember to vote YES at Fitzrovia Community Centre on Foley Street.

If you have a postal vote – post it today or you can deliver it in person to the Fitzrovia Community Centre on 2nd September.

Your time has come to vote in a referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan. Everyone registered to vote will be able to say whether they want the plan to influence planning decisions and create an improved environment for all those living in, working in and visiting the area.

One of the main functions of the Forum is to prepare a neighbourhood plan. This sets out a series of policies explaining how we’d like to see the area develop over the next 20 years. The plan has been based on extensive consultation and we work closely with community groups, statutory bodies and business organisations such as the New West End Company. The draft plan has been approved by an independent Examiner who has agreed it fits with other plans prepared by Westminster City Council and the Mayor of London.

You can see the plan here: Neighbourhood Plan

Vote YES on 2nd September to agree the plan.


Referendum on Neighbourhood Plan – deadline for businesses to register approaching

Your time has come to vote in a referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan on 2nd September 2021. Everyone registered to vote will be able to say whether they want the plan to influence planning decisions and create an improved environment for all those living in, working in and visiting the area. All businesses in the neighbourhood which pay business rates will also get a vote.


If you haven’t received your letter from WCC inviting you to register, then contact who will issue you with a registration form. Don’t delay! Do it now or you will miss your chance to vote.

The Fitzrovia Centre in Foley Street will be the polling station but residents can also apply for a postal vote through this link:

One of the main functions of the Forum is to prepare a neighbourhood plan. This sets out a series of policies explaining how we’d like to see the area develop over the next 20 years. The plan has been based on extensive consultation and we work closely with community groups, statutory bodies and business organisations such as the New West End Company. The draft plan has been approved by an independent Examiner who has agreed it fits with other plans prepared by Westminster City Council and the Mayor of London.

You can see the plan here: Neighbourhood Plan

Vote YES on 2nd September to agree the plan.

FitzWest AGM and Referendum Reminder

Thank you to everyone who attended the AGM on 8th July.

We received an update on the Neighbourhood Plan with the reminder that the referendum on the plan is fixed for September 2nd and all residents and business owners in the FitzWest area get a vote.

Application forms for postal votes can be downloaded here and the deadline for registering for a postal vote is August 17th :

and should be returned to

There were two other short presentations –  one about greening ideas for the area and another one by Jace Tyrell from the New West End Company about how businesses are thriving and surviving post-pandemic.

There were also questions and contributions from members which led to interesting discussions and it was apparent how committed everyone is to making Fitzrovia a great place to live and work.

You can read the full minutes here: AGM Minutes 8.7.21

Oxford Circus Pedestrianisation Plan

Westminster City Council has launched a new brochure setting out plans to create piazzas on  two sections of Oxford Street either side of Oxford Circus. All traffic going east-west will be diverted northwards through Marylebone and Fitzrovia via John Princes Street, Mortimer Street and Great Portland Street.
Changes to traffic flows are also proposed in Fitzrovia West with part of Mortimer Street being made two-way and the direction of traffic in part of Great Titchfield Street and all of Newman Street and Berners street being reversed. A number of new pedestrian crossings are being installed.
There is no mention of any provision for cyclists nor improved arrangements for servicing and deliveries.
All these changes are being introduced for six months on an ‘experimental’ basis which means the Council is not required to carry out full consultation before beginning work later this year. It will, however, ‘carefully consider input from residents, businesses and other stakeholders’ once the work has been completed.
Full details are set out in the Oxford Street brochure:
The FitzWest Forum has written to West End ward members and Cllr Caplan, Deputy Leader, arguing that full consultation should be carried out now because of the potential impact of these changes on Fitzrovia, as well as Soho, Marylebone and Mayfair.

Your time has come to vote in a referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan on 2nd  September 2021. Everyone registered to vote will be able to say whether they want the plan to influence planning decisions and create an improved environment for all those living in, working in and visiting the area. All businesses in the neighbourhood which pay business rates will also get a vote. The Fitzrovia Centre in Foley Street will be the polling station but you can also apply for a postal vote through this link:

For more information have a look at our website Neighbourhood Plan

Westminster City Council is updating its Licensing Policy and want to know what residents think

Letter from Westminster Council:

Westminster is at the heart of London’s night-time and visitor economy. Whilst licensed premises contribute a huge amount to the economy and vibrancy of the City, they can also create problems for residents and local services. During the Covid-19 pandemic, and especially as restrictions ease, there has been an increase in the number of premises in Westminster offering delivery services.  There has been an increase in ancillary deliveries from existing premises and a growing number of applications for delivery centres where food and drink is delivered by either their own delivery personnel or via a third party delivery service.

Whilst we support businesses in Westminster to innovate and diversify, residents have told us that they have some concerns about these developments.  In order to support safe, responsible and positive growth the Licensing Authority is proposing amendments to its Statement of Licensing Policy (SLP).

Introduction of new premise uses policies

The Licensing Authority proposes to introduce three new policies, these are:

*   Ancillary Delivery of Alcohol and/or Late-Night Refreshment Policy (DEL1)
*   Shops Policy (SHP1)
*   Delivery Centre Policy (DC1)

Policy DEL1 will apply to venues such as restaurants and bars that want to offer deliveries in addition to their main activities.  The presumption is to grant these applications subject to other policies.

Policy SHP1 will replace the existing Off sales of alcohol policy (OS1).  The policy will apply to any premises whose primary function is the sale of goods or the offer of services.  The policy is more comprehensive than OS1 as it covers all licensable activities that these premises may carry out.

Policy DC1 will apply to venues where the primary function is the sale of alcohol and food via a delivery service.  Applications will generally be granted if they are not in predominantly residential areas and subject to other policies.

Other changes

The introduction of these policies will require a number of amendments across the SLP, including:

•        Amendments to the Core Hours Policy (HRS1) to reflect the new premises uses

•        The Off Sales of Alcohol Policy will be deleted.

•        Amend other premises uses policies to refers to ancillary delivery.

We want to know what you think

Consultation will run from Monday 14 June to Sunday 25 July 2021. The consultation documents will be published on our website on the 14th June.  The link to the relevant page is<> (please note that this page will not be live until the 14th June)

If you have any questions, please get in touch with a member of the team at<>