Public Meeting – Improving Fitzrovia

Public Meeting – Improving Fitzrovia

Tuesday 15th February 2022 – Fitzrovia Community Centre, Foley Street – 6pm

All residents, businesses and community groups  in Fitzrovia West are invited to come along and share ideas for projects that will improve the infrastructure of Fitzrovia. We will collect all the suggestions together and then a selection will be put forward for funding application from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). There will be more information about CIL at the meeting. To give you an idea, here are the kind of projects that have been funded by CIL in other areas:

  • Prevention of crime and anti-social behaviour, such as CCTV installations;
  • Public Realm enhancements;
  • Transport/highways, such as junction improvements to improve pedestrian safety, electric charging rollout, cycle docking stations, bridge refurbishment /corrosion protection;
  • Open Spaces, such as WCC parks, landscaping and play facilities and upgrades;
  • Health facilities;
  • Sports & Leisure facilities;
  • Utilities/Waste, e.g. deep drainage improvements, Street Markets utilities and improvements.
  • Feasibility studies and research to enable the identification of eligible infrastructure projects.

If you are not able to attend but have a project you want to suggest then email us at

We will look forward to seeing you then.



Greening Consultation – Overwhelming Support – Next Steps

Greening Consultation – Overwhelming Support – Next Steps

Thank you to all the residents and businesses who responded to our consultation about planters in Fitzrovia.
The response was overwhelmingly supportive and included lots of great ideas for other places and greening initiatives. And also many offers to help look after the planters with watering and weeding.

100% of respondents were in favour of greening generally in the area and 94% were in favour of all the suggested sites.   Click here to see the full report.
We really hope that if we are able to successfully achieve this small amount of greening, then we can begin on other projects.
We have made some adjustments to the proposal, taking into account feedback and concerns (for example the corner planters at locations 2 and 5 will be a smaller rectangle shape not the larger square shape in the photographs – which means there will still be space there for people to wait at these spots when the pavement on New Cavendish Street is crowded.)

Funding Application from CIL

We had anticipated having enough money to complete this project using the Tesco funding, but costs have increased because the planters are on the public highway so we now need safety checks, traffic impact assessments etc. As a result we are now applying for further funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and will know by February 7th 2022 if we have been successful and are able to complete this project.

Greening Consultation – Overwhelming Support – Next Steps

Greening Project for Fitzwest – Please complete consultation survey

After consulting previously with residents and businesses, we identified various locations which either have a lot of pavement space or are prone to rubbish dumping – or both!  The idea is to position planters in these locations to brighten up and green our streets – but also we hope to deter dumping.  We have funding that we successfully applied for from Tesco.  The disruption of Covid has meant all plans were put on hold, but now we are keen to use the money to improve the area. Please let us know your thoughts.



Westminster Council have agreed in principle to the locations, so this is about making sure that residents and businesses know what is going on and have had a chance to have their say.  Can you help?  We are also looking for anyone who would be able to help maintain the planters, e.g. by watering, particularly in the summer.

We are very much hoping that this will lead to further greening projects as there have been many locations suggested by residents and businesses.

Click on this link here to fill out the survey: Fitzwest Greening Project 2021 Survey



We are delighted to announce that following the referendum on Thursday 2nd September a majority of residents and businesses in the area have voted YES to the question:

“Do you want Westminster City Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Fitzrovia West to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

This means the Fitzrovia West Neighbourhood Plan has been adopted.

Thanks to everyone who has supported the Plan. It has been over six years in the making and many residents and businesses have contributed ideas and support. So now the FitzWest Forum will continue to make sure the Plan is followed and to help Fitzrovia West thrive as an area where people want to live and work. If you would like to be involved in making this happen and to have influence and have your opinions heard then please get in touch ( and join the Executive of the FitzWest Forum. We would love to welcome you!

Full details of results from Westminster Council here: Referendum Results

Key results:

Residential Referendum:

YES: 236 (79.9%)

NO: 62 (20.8%)

Business Referendum

YES: 26 (86.67%)

NO: 4 (13.33%)



Please remember to vote today. Polls open until 10pm at the Fitzrovia Centre on Foley Street.

A YES vote means that local residents and businesses get a say in planning applications in the Fitzrovia West area. The Plan is a series of policies that have been created with input from residents and businesses over the last 6 years. These policies will influence development for the better in this area and make sure local people have input to planning decisions.

You can see the plan here: Neighbourhood Plan