AGM and ideas for community funding projects wanted

AGM and ideas for community funding projects wanted

The Fitzwest Forum AGM last week was a great chance to hear about ongoing and future projects funded by the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and to hear Councillor Paul Dimoldenberg speaking about the Fitzrovia environment and how the Council are dealing with environmental issues. 

You can read the minutes here.

We were treated to interesting presentations on the following CIL projects:


  • All Souls School Playground Renewal
  • Carburton St Greening
  • Soho Poly Theatre
  • Market Place Greening and Development
  • New Cavendish Street Planters


More details are available on our website: CIL Projects

For those who couldn’t attend or didn’t get a chance to leave their ideas, we would very much like to hear from you.  These further ideas will be added to the suggestions from the AGM and the public meeting earlier in the year.

Ideas for funding should align to the Fitzwest Neighbourhood Plan and the recently amended priorities of Westminster Council which are:


  • Affordable housing (enabling)
  • Green transition
  • Sustainable and active travel
  • Community facilities
  • Accessible and inclusive public spaces


Please email us with your ideas on

Agenda for AGM – Thursday 13th October 6pm

Please find details of the agenda below and do get in touch if you have any questions or comments.

Agenda for Fitzwest Forum AGM Thursday 13th October 6pm
  1. Welcome
  2. Authorisation of late meeting
  3. Presentation of accounts
  4. Elections to the executive including new volunteers
  5. Presentation(s) on CIL projects including Market Place
  6. Cllr. Paul Dimoldenberg to speak on environmental issues in Fitzrovia
  7. Discussion on possible CIL projects – you can read the notes from the CIL meeting in February here.

Invitation to AGM – Thursday 13th October 2022 – 6pm

Dear Fitzwest Forum Member

You are invited to the AGM on Thursday 13th October at 6pm.

Venue: Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, 25 Howland St, London W1T 4JG.

There will be the opportunity to learn a bit more about current Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) projects and how they are progressing, including plans for Market Place.

And if you are interested in joining the Executive or CIL committee and having a big say in how the CIL money is allocated, then you can find out how to do this as elections will be taking place.

It will be great to welcome you all in real life – after the last few years of virtual meetings!


Have a say in how CIL money is spent

Have a say in how CIL money is spent

As this long, hot summer draws to an end we wanted to update you on the progress of various CIL  (Community Infrastructure Levy) applications and awards.

We also wanted to tell you a bit more about CIL and how important it is for as many people as possible to have a say in how it is spent.

What is CIL?

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge paid by developers (not householders) when beginning a new development. FitzWest has access to 25% of CIL generated in our area and this means the Forum can submit projects it wishes to see implemented as well as endorsing projects submitted by other charitable organisations based in the area. Projects should meet the following criteria:

  • They should provide infrastructure which benefits those living and working in the area;
  • They should provide additional infrastructure for defined sections of the population where facilities and services are insufficient or lacking;
  • They should be non-discriminatory and meet all other legal requirements in the way they are delivered and operate;
  • They should meet policy objectives as set out in the Council’s City Plan 2019 – 40 and the Neighbourhood Plan 2020;
  • They should conform to guidance provided by the Council as set out on the website above.

A few projects have already been successfully applied for and accepted by Westminster Council for CIL funding. However, there is a constant supply of cash form new developments and it is really important that as many people as possible – residents, businesses and organisations – have a say in how this money is allocated.

This is your chance to be involved in making these decisions! We are looking for volunteers to be on our CIL Committee. This committee meets every couple of months and members also receive emails and applications to look at and comment on. It is up to you how much you would like to be involved and this is an important way to really influence and contribute how projects are funded.

If you would just like a simple admin role then we also need a secretary for the committee This would involve organising meetings and creating the agendas and minutes.

If you, or anyone you know would like to help make sure this funding goes to the right places, then please get in touch on

Successfully funded CIL projects:

Greening Around New Cavendish Street – together with funding from Tesco, a selection of planters will be positioned in areas to deter rubbish dumping and will be maintained by local residents and businesses.

Soho Poly

University of Westminster Archive

Soho Poly Theatre – a contribution to funding the renovation of the theatre on Riding House Street.

Greening  Carburton Street – a resident-led project for funding to continue planting around this street and the planting will be maintained by local residents.


Full details of all CIL projects are available on Fitzwest Forum website 







First Public CIL meeting – Fitzrovia West

First Public CIL meeting – Fitzrovia West

Meeting photograph

Thanks to everyone who attended the public meeting on 15th February 2022 at the Fitzrovia Community Centre.

The purpose of the meeting was to hear ideas and to inform residents and local organisations about the Community Infrastructure Levy and how it works.

We were delighted to see lots of people there and to hear many ideas of how to improve the infrastructure of Fitzrovia West using the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

Amit Mistry, Principal Policy Officer from Westminster Council addressed the meeting and took questions about CIL, the kind of projects it funds and how it works.

There were lots of suggestions for projects from people at the meeting and via email beforehand. A summary of the subjects is here:

  • Cycle racks modelled on Banja Luka
  • Planters with cycle racks attached
  • Planting around the tree on Carburton Street
  • Replacing the planters near Holcroft court.
  • Upgrading the cycle racks near the Almost Saturday cafe.
  • A children’s playground (if a location could be found)
  • Green walls
  • Benches with green walls built into them (solar powered)
  • Small on-street waste bins
  • Rain gardens
  • Trees on build outs
  • Cultivation of tree pits
  • Opening up the school for the benefit of the community
  • A corridor through the Fitzrovia Centre to the garden behind
  • Refurbish the old swimming pool behind the Fitzrovia Centre (expensive)
  • Notices on bollards giving the times of collection of rubbish
  • A study for a low traffic neighbourhood
  • An air quality survey
  • Refurbishing local benches
  • Road bollards.
  • Pop ups of various kinds

The full minutes of the meeting are available here – CIL Public Meeting 15.2.22

The time scale to come up with a project and apply for CIL funding is ongoing. The Westminster Council CIL committee meets every 3 months to assess the applications, so there are plenty of opportunities for people to create an application. All details are here:

Any comments or suggestions then please email us on  or leave a comment here.